Finding Your Transaction in MYOB : Confessions of a MYOB tragic

Yes, it’s true. We ARE MYOB tragics…we have been working with the software for over a dozen years, and have helped thousands of clients to use the software in the best way to suit their business. We think we know just about everything there is to know about MYOB.

One of our favourite tips in MYOB is how to find particular transactions. How often would we get a call from our clients saying…‘I know that I entered the transaction, but now I just can’t find it’.

To save our sanity and our phone bills, we have taught our clients how to find things quickly and easily in MYOB. It doesn’t matter which version you are using, this functionality is in ALL versions.

Depending on what you are trying to find, choose one of the following methods below.


Find Transactions

Click onto the dropdown arrow next to FIND TRANSACTIONS section on the bottom left side of the main MYOB screen.

MYOB Transactions

range of preferred add-ons


Choose the ACCOUNT heading from the selection

Then this is what you will see:

MYOB Transactions

So you’ve probably seen this heaps of times…you know that you can put in an account number and put in a date range and then you see lots and lots of data. Not much to get excited about..yet….

MYOB Transactions


This is the “secret” ingredient – Use the Advanced Button

We LOVE this part!
Firstly, you can choose to search all accounts or just one account. So if you have entered a transaction, but can’t find it, then it is a really good idea to search on ALL accounts.

MYOB Transactions

Secondly, you can put in a date range. It is often a good idea to narrow your search down to a short amount of time IF your file is large.

Thirdly, you can choose how the information you are about to view is sorted – by date or by ID. The latter will sort all cash receipt transactions together, all the sales together, all the cash payments together, etc.

Fourthly, you can narrow your search down to particular types of transactions. This is particularly useful, for example, if you are only wanting to look at payments (AKA disbursements).

Fifthly, you can search on the IDs – such as cheque numbers, receipt numbers, invoice numbers, etc.

Sixthly, my favourite – search on an amount. This is particularly useful when you are looking for a particular transaction as you can put the amount in and every transaction for this amount will appear in the date range selected.

And finally, a word in a memo or the payee can be searched on. I have used this to put a serial number on a sales invoice, and then can search for the serial number. It is not case sensitive.


Reading the results

If you know how to read the results, it will make a lot more sense!

MYOB Transactions

You should read the first two columns together.
The ID number refers to the specific transaction. So above, you are seeing SJ (sales journal) and PJ (purchase journal) transactions. The ID refers to the invoice and the purchase order numbers in this example.
The SRC (source types) are:
GJ – general journals
SJ – sales invoices (sales journal)
PJ – bills (purchase journal)
CD – spending (cash disbursement)
CR – receipts (cash receipts)
IJ – inventory journals

There are multiple lines for Invoice 34 and PO 49. There ARE debit and credit transactions, as each transaction will affect at least 2 accounts.

Date is the date the transaction was recorded.

Account shows which account numbers the transaction has affected. In the case of invoice 34, I can see that it has affected the debtors account, the GST account and the income account.

The memo…this can be useful. Every transaction has a memo – you can override the default, or leave it as MYOB records it. In the case of invoice 79, I can see it is a reversal – it looks like invoice 34 has been reversed.

Debit and Credit is hopefully self explanatory.

Job shows if there is a job number recorded against the transaction.

P.S. You may find this post useful – ‘What you ought to know about MYOB’s new updates‘.